Components of an Iconic Norwich Placemark
An Iconic Norwich Placemark consists of 6 components.
- Title : Title should include a begin and end year or date of the event, person, or establishment. The begin and end year can be the same.
- Image : Only “Public Domain”, “Fair Use” or “Courtesy of” images are allowed. Refer to “About Iconic Norwich” page for details.
- Description : A description of the person, place, event, or establishment.
- Information Source : The source of the info that is contained within the placemark. The info source can be a URL address that points to another website. If a URL is supplied by the author, a user will able to click on a button which will open the source web page. The source can also be the Placemark Author.
- Image Source : Same as Info Source, but, photo.
- Find More Info : The placemark only shows a few sources. If more sources were used to created the placemark, then the additional sources are included in the Bibliography.