Experience 300 Years of Norwich History

The primary goal of this website is to educate the public about Norwich Connecticut’s rich heritage and history during the 300 year period of 1659-1959. The site provides quick and easy access to a large collection of media, which focuses on Norwich’s historical events, places and many other tidbits.

This site is completely free of charge

The site provides more than 500 short articles and many historical Norwich maps. The articles are organized into 32 categories. The Media Library connects users to thousands of Norwich historical web-based links. Several quizzes are provided to enhance the learning environment.

You are invited to add,  or contribute to new or existing placemarks by filling out the form in the “Contribute Article” section.

Did You Know That ….

Thomas H. Pollock & Daniel Bliven of Greeneville invented a cheese cutter (US Patent No. 23,492) on April 5, 1859.

In the words of the inventors, “This invention consists in arranging a lifting turn-table in such relation to a stationary platform that a cheese placed on the latter can be lifted clear from the same and turned by means of the lifting table, which latter when the cheese has been turned sufficiently, is let down again so that the cheese rests on the platform ready for a fresh cut …“

To see hundreds of Norwich based patents
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Recent Updates to IconicNorwich.org

Updated: 1893 Uncas Paper Mill:  Click Here

Updated: Norwich’s 300th Anniversary:  Click Here

Added: Filmed in Norwich Category:  Click Here

Added: Inventor – Algernon S. Hubbell:  Click Here

Updated: Aaron Dwight Stevens:  Click Here

Want to read an historical fiction novel about Norwich’s 1850s Gold Mining Co.?

Click on image to find out more


Designed, Built, and Maintained by:

Robert N. Dees

Author of “Norwich Gold”