This search engine can help you quickly find a large collection of Norwich history related newspaper articles. These articles have been curated from many years of newspaper articles and other media. In keeping with the goals of this website, the content of most of these article focuses on events, people and places during the years 1659-1959. The table provided below is your starting point.
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Collection | Title | Author | Keywords | Time Frame | Placemark Link |
Historically Speaking | Diary gives us glimpse of life in 17th century | Curland, Richard | New London founder, Mystic, Thomas Minor | 1600-1699 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Montville named Pequot when it was settled in 1646 | Curland, Richard | New London named Pequot, Montville, Fort Shantok | 1646-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Here are some tidbits from Norwich's early days | Curland, Richard | Norwich townsmen, Simon Huntington, Caleb Abell, Rev. Henry Flint, Joseph Otis, Bean Hill, Laurel Hill, Thamesville, Greeneville | 1649-1859 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: The History of the Falls (10/19/2018) | Curland, Richard | tavern, stockings, pottery, chocolate, paper mill | 1650-1658 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | New London founded next to magnificent harbor | Curland, Richard | New London, John Winthrop Jr. | 1650-1700 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Stories tell of region's original inhabitants | Curland, Richard | Killingly, Arthur L. Peale, author, Alexander's Lake, native americans, Boy Scouts | 1650-1700 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Early Norwich settlers worshipped in church on the rocks | Curland, Richard | First Congregational Church, Norwichtown Green | 1659-1699 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Villages have become Norwich neighborhoods | Curland, Richard | Simon Huntington, Calib Abell, Christopher Huntington, Isaac Huntington, early Norwich neighborhoods | 1659-1699 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Records provide clues to lives of Norwich's founders | Curland, Richard | William Hyde, Norwich founders | 1659-1699 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Records are few about Norwich's first years | Curland, Richard | James Fitch, John Mason, Elizabeth Hyde, John W. Stedman | 1659-1699 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | John Elderkin and descendants helped build region | Curland, Richard | John Elderkin, early Norwich builder, Norwich Congregational Church | 1659-1775 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Center of Norwich quickly moved to harbor area | Staff writer | First born in Norwich Elizabeth Hyde, wharf established, Chelsea | 1659-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Taverns were centers of social life in Colonial days | Curland, Richard | early Taverns in Norwich | 1659-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Caulkins' history tells of early years of Norwich | Staff writer | Frances Manwaring Caulkins | 1659-1869 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | First Norwich settlers owned few luxuries | Curland, Richard | Mary Elizabeth Perkins, name of Norwich was Mohegan, early Norwich home | 1659-1895 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern Connecticut boasts many firsts | Curland, Richard | Norwich firsts, Thomas Hubbard, Putnum | 1659-1959 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern Connecticut home to many firsts | Curland, Richard | New London name Pequot, Norwich first automobile law, Groton submarine, Mystic B.F. Clyde's Cider Mill | 1659-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwichtown was original center of Norwich | Curland, Richard | Franklin Square original name, orginal names of several Norwich place | 1659-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Historic greens now serve as parks | Curland, Richard | Norwich sheepwalk, Norwichtown green, Bean Hill green, Williams Park, Chelsea Parade, Diah Manning drummer | 1659-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Weather has led to many local disasters | Curland, Richard | history of poor weather in Southeastern Connecticut, floating Methodist Church | 1659-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Early turnpikes linked local towns | Curland, Richard | first turnpike, Mohegan Road | 1670-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Woodstock considered a 'frontier' settlement in early Connecticut | Curland, Richard | Woodstock, Major John Fitch, Indian marauders | 1696-1704 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Sons of Liberty had great spirit | Curland, Richard | Sons of Liberty, Durkee | 1700-1774 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Pioneering manufacturer trained in Norwich | Staff writer | Benjamin Hanks, clock making apprentice, drummer, produced church bells | 1700-1774 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: Inns, taverns once dotted region's countryside | Curland, Richard | Windham Center, Rochambeau march from Newport RI to Yorkton, Windham Hotel, John Mixer, Samuel Rose House | 1700-1774 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Ferries provided ways across rivers before bridges | Curland, Richard | Sarah Kemble Knight journal, New London Joshua Hempstead | 1700-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich’s Bean Hill has significant past | Curland, Richard | Bean Hill cultivating beans, Adams Tavern, David Ruggles | 1700-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich's Bean Hill has Significant Past (05/03/2020) | Curland, Richard | Bean Hill | 1700-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Bridges over Willimantic River have had many names | Curland, Richard | Willimantic Linen Co., Jillson Hill Bridge, Stone Arch Bridge | 1700-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Travel has become increasingly easy through the centuries | Curland, Richard | Southeast Connecticut, travel | 1700-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Founding father from Lebanon served state, nation well | Curland, Richard | Lebanon Jonathan Trumbull Sr. | 1710-1785 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Lebanon patriot signed Declaration of Independence | Curland, Richard | Lebanon, William Williams Sr., Lebanon Congregational Church | 1713-1811 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Dozens of items made in Colonial Norwich | Curland, Richard | Elijah Backus Iron Works, pottery, Hezekiah Huntington, Simon Lathrop, Silas Goodall, Christopher Leffingwell, Andrew Huntingon, linseed oil mill | 1740-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | New London privateer captain captured British ships | Curland, Richard | New London, William Coit, Bunker Hill | 1742-1773 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Historians disagree on Adams Tavern age | Curland, Richard | Grover Cleveland, Jubilee | 1750-1779 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Harbor area became center of Norwich in 1700s | Curland, Richard | Chelsea harbor history | 1750-1823 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich was an early manufacturing center | Curland, Richard | Elijah Backus Iron Works, Robert Martin in Preston, Hezekia Huntington, Christopher Leffingwell | 1750-1849 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Peddlers offered door-to-door service | Curland, Richard | Southeast Connecticut, history of peddlers | 1750-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich has rich store of historical buildings | Curland, Richard | Universalist Church, Chelsea Savings Bank, early Norwich buildings | 1750-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Steamboats Connected Norwich Harbor to World, (09/29/2019) | Curland, Richard | City of Lawrence, steamer, steamship | 1750-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Nathan Hale's brother became pastor of Lisbon church | Curland, Richard | Lisbon, Rev. David Hale | 1761-1820 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Steamboats connected Norwich Harbor to world | Curland, Richard | Chelsea Landing, history of early Thames River boats and railroad development | 1764-1849 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Rochambeau's army marched through Connecticut | Curland, Richard | Plainfield, Lebanon, 1780 Revolutionary War troops | 1765-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | More than 30 newspapers started in colony of Connecticut | Curland, Richard | Norwich Packet, John Trumbull, New London newspapers | 1773-1779 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich craftsman made first watch in America | Curland, Richard | first watch in America, Thomas Harland | 1773-1808 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Apprentices learned their trades from master craftsmen | Curland, Richard | clocks, Thomas Harland, Eli Terry | 1773-1808 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Major leader in US education had local roots | Curland, Richard | Ashford, Eliphalet Nott, educator, Union College | 1773-1866 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Colonial militia training often an excuse for a party | Curland, Richard | Bean Hill gathering for bean supper | 1775-1763 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich doctor 1st to tie femoral artery in 1700s | Curland, Richard | Dr. Philip Turner, Bunker Hill doctor | 1775-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Navy captain from Norwich set sailing record during Revolution | Curland, Richard | Robert Niles, Groton native, privateer, Britanica | 1775-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Israel Putnam was Revolutionary War hero | Curland, Richard | Putnum, Israel Putnam | 1775-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Lebanon played important role in American Revolution | Curland, Richard | Columbia, Lebanon, Red Cedar Lake, Jonathan Trumbull Sr., Cedar Swamp | 1775-1783 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich native worked among Native Americans | Staff writer | Samuel Kirkland, Rev. Eleazur Wheelock, Columbia | 1775-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Lost battle led by Benedict Arnold became a victory | Curland, Richard | New London, Benedict Arnold naval battles | 1776-1776 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Skilled Griswold blacksmith supplied whaling industry | Curland, Richard | Griswold, Preston, Lebanon, Isaac Glasko, trip hammer | 1776-1861 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Miraculous' Revolutionary War march passed through local towns | Curland, Richard | Lebanon, Plainfield, Civil War march from Newport RI to Yorktown Virginia | 1780-1800 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Several founding fathers served as firefighters | Curland, Richard | New London firefighters, Windham firefighters | 1780-1850 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Area is home to many ghost stories | Curland, Richard | Baltic, Griswold, Pomfret, Waterford, legends, Gardner Lake, Old Leather Man | 1780-1940 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | First ladies play important role in presidencies | Curland, Richard | Aaron Cleveland, Grover Cleveland, Edith Roosevelt | 1783-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern Connecticut fork lore continues to fascinate | Curland, Richard | Yantic Cemetery, Sarah Larned Osgood, Blue Lady, Lafayette | 1783-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Law once punished men without jobs | Curland, Richard | 1792 Norwich law, Reynolds house, Christopher Leffingwell | 1784-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich landmarks had a variety of origins | Curland, Richard | Teel House | 1784-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | First mayor of Norwich had long career of public service | Curland, Richard | Benjamin Huntington, first mayor of Norwich | 1784-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Walking tour of Norwich reveals glimpse of past | Curland, Richard | Teel House, William Wondbridge, Carder Hazard, Little Park, the Everett Lot | 1784-1799 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Washington visited Windham County in 1789 | Curland, Richard | Ashford, Windham County, George Washington | 1789-1789 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Stretch of Route 32 was second-oldest turnpike in nation | Curland, Richard | Mohegan Road, second turnpike in America | 1792-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Women, children worked hard to help build region in 1800s | Curland, Richard | 1830s women and children workers in Norwich, textile workers, Volunteers Brigade | 1800-1844 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Connecticut women carved niche in job world | Curland, Richard | Norwich employers, women laborers | 1800-1899 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Doctors had far fewer tools to help patients | Curland, Richard | Daniel Coit Gilman, physicians tools | 1800-1899 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Trade and industry flourished in 19th century Norwich | Curland, Richard | 19th century merchants and vendors in Norwich | 1800-1899 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | From One Warrior to Another, (04/16/2018) | Curland, Richard | Mohegan, Andrew Jackson | 1800-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Region home to many firsts, including football rivalry, use of hello | Curland, Richard | first to use hello, NFA football rivalry, Norwich firsts | 1800-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Windham Center has seen more than 300 years of history | Curland, Richard | Windham Center, Eliphalet Dyer, Jedediah Elderkin | 1800-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Traitor or spy thwarted naval hero’s escape | Curland, Richard | New London, Commodore Stephen Decatur, War of 1812, New London | 1810-1820 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Cotton mill at Cargill Falls spurred growth of Putnam | Curland, Richard | Putnum, Cargill Falls, Smith Wilkinson | 1810-1840 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: From sailor to stars and stripes | Curland, Richard | Samuel Chester Reid, American flag designer | 1810-1849 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Conn. clockmaker Eli Terry helped America tell time | Curland, Richard | Eli Terry, clockmaker, Thomas Harland | 1810-1850 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Colchester native was friend, rival of Lincoln | Curland, Richard | Colchester, Lyman Trumbull | 1813-1896 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Outnumbered Americans won victory at Stonington | Curland, Richard | Battle of Stonington in 1814 | 1814-1814 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | 1816 was 'the year without a summer' | Curland, Richard | unusual Norwich weather | 1816-1816 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Blacksmiths were key figures in early America | Curland, Richard | Griswold, Preston, Lebanon, Isaac Glasko | 1820-1850 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Willimantic grew into railroad center | Curland, Richard | Willimantic, early history | 1820-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Willimantic's mills turned out textiles | Curland, Richard | Willimantic Falls, Willimantic Thread | 1820-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Willimantic has an interesting past | Curland, Richard | Willimantic | 1820-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Firefighters were among America's earliest heroes | Curland, Richard | Willimantic fire, New London fire | 1820-presnt | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Confederate general is buried in New London cemetery | Curland, Richard | New London, Gustavus Woodson Smith | 1821-1896 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Thank New London dentist for collapsible tube of toothpaste | Curland, Richard | New London, toothpaste tube inventor, Dr. Washington Wentworth, Sheffield | 1840-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Larned was a venerated local historian in Thompson | Curland, Richard | Thompson, Ellen Douglas Larned | 1840-1910 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Windham native became painter of miniatures | Curland, Richard | Windham, George H. Cushman, portrait painter, John Trumbull | 1840-1910 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Killingly native became influential educator | Curland, Richard | Killingly | 1845-1910 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Gun maker Smith and Wesson began in Norwich | Curland, Richard | Smith and Wesson, Thomas Harland | 1850-1859 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Smith & Wesson starting in Norwich is among surprising facts about area | Curland, Richard | little known facts of Windham and New London County | 1850-1859 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Victorian-era doctors lacked tools to help patients | Curland, Richard | history of doctors and surgeons in mid-nineteenth century | 1850-1870 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Enigmatic Phineas Wright lived and is buried in Putnam | Curland, Richard | Putnum, Phineas Wright, Putnum, Air Line Railway | 1850-1910 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | New London was a center of whaling industry | Curland, Richard | New London whalers | 1850-1910 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Photography replaced artists' renderings of people, places | Staff writer | history of photography | 1850-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Preston native made his mark on church music | Curland, Richard | Woodstock, Preston, William Howard Doane, Woodstock Academy, Norwich Harmonic Society | 1850-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eminent national educator was born in Killingly | Curland, Richard | North Killingly, William Torrey Harris, North Killingly, first public kindergarden | 1850-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Lisbon native fought to free slaves | Curland, Richard | Lisbon, Aaron Dwight Stevens | 1859-1860 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Civil War brought surge of patriotism to Norwich | Curland, Richard | Col. Daniel Tyler, Frank Chester, beginning of Civil War in Norwich | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich hosted campaign speech by Abraham Lincoln | Curland, Richard | Lafayette Foster, Hugh Henry Osgood | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | New London County played major role in building Civil War Navy | Curland, Richard | Civil War shipbuilding, Norwich Thames Iron Works | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern Connecticut men, women made major contribution in Civil War | Curland, Richard | Civil War employment, William Buckingham, Col. Daniel Tyler, Gen. Nathan Lyon, Gen. William T. Clark | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Local shipyards made major contributions in Civil War | Curland, Richard | East Haddam, Mystic, New London, Norwich | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Connecticut, Norwich contributed to Civil War carnage | Curland, Richard | Norwich Civil War soldiers | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Women played active roles in Civil War | Curland, Richard | Soldier's Aid Society, Daughters of the Regiment | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Civil War general born in region had unfortunate record | Curland, Richard | General Daniel Tyler, Emily Lee Tyler, Edith Carow | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich man was among 5,000 black Revolutionary War soldiers | Curland, Richard | Cato Mead, Cato Meed, John McGregor | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich prepares for Civil War in April 1861 | Curland, Richard | Soldier's Aid Society | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich's contribution to Civil War remembered every Memorial Day | Curland, Richard | Decoration Day history, George Smith Andersonville | 1860-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich grocer was ahead of his time | Curland, Richard | William H. Cardwell | 1860-1899 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern Connecticut has been fertile place for inventors | Curland, Richard | New London, Ashford, Killingly, Brooklyn, patents, Catherine Allsop Griswold | 1860-1900 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Bozrah mills manufactured comfort | Curland, Richard | Bozrah, Palmer brothers, bedding producers, pillow producers, Bozrah | 1860-1940 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Region has welcomed many presidents | Curland, Richard | famous Norwich president visitors | 1860-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Presidents good, bad, mediocre, spent time in region | Curland, Richard | Edith Kermit Carow | 1860-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Union troops inspired Julia Ward Howe to write 'Battle Hymn of the Republic | Curland, Richard | Battle Hymn of the Republic | 1862-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Connecticut inventors responsible for many new devices | Curland, Richard | Old Saybrook, Elizabeth Buckley, Colchester, David Bushnell, Edwin Lank, Barney Girden | 1870-1970 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Baltic Mill was once biggest textile mill in nation | Curland, Richard | Baltic, Sprague, Lord's bridge | 1870-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | NFA-New London is oldest high school football rivalry | Curland, Richard | history of Norwich Free Academy and New London footbal rivalry | 1875-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich home to many centuries-old buildings | Curland, Richard | Universalist Church, Cudworth and Woodworth architects, early Norwich carriages, DeWitt house, Park Congregational Church, Reynolds Place, John Vernet, underground railroad | 1880-1889 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | America's great inventors go beyond Bell, Edison | Curland, Richard | Plaut-Cadden department store | 1880-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Blizzard of 1888 unequaled since then | Curland, Richard | Montville, weather, Chapell brothers | 1888-1888 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: Slater Museum a treasure to behold | Curland, Richard | John Fox Slater, Slatersville RI, William Albert Slater, Stephen Carpenter Earle | 1888-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Sunken house resting at bottom of Gardner Lake | Curland, Richard | Tidbits, ghost house, sunken, Gardner Lake | 1890-1899 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Spanish-American War made US a global power | Curland, Richard | Niantic in Spanish-American War, New London in Spanish-American War | 1897-1898 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Buffalo Bill brought Wild West Show to Norwich in 1907 | Curland, Richard | Buffalo Bill in Norwich | 1900-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: Edith Carow's enduring legacy | Curland, Richard | Edith Kermit Carow | 1900-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: New tradition brings Cleveland to the Rose City | Curland, Richard | Grover Cleveland, 1901 Old Home Week, | 1900-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Taftville woman survived WWI sinking of Lusitania | Curland, Richard | 1907 Lusitania survivor, Taftville | 1900-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | 'Close to a perfect first lady' was born in Norwich; her son was D-Day hero | Curland, Richard | Edith Kermit Carow | 1900-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Start of 20th century saw many new inventions | Curland, Richard | inventions | 1900-1991 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Alice Roosevelt often broke rules of Norwich-born first lady | Curland, Richard | Alice Roosevelt, Edith Carow Roosevelt | 1901-1909 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | New Londoners lost their lives in World War I | Curland, Richard | New London World War I veterans | 1910-1918 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich helped change face of World War I | Curland, Richard | World War I doctor | 1910-1919 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Connecticut College originally for women only | Curland, Richard | New London Connecticut College | 1910-present | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Truman made Whistle Stop in Norwich | Curland, Richard | President Truman | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Barnstorming was popular pastime in early 20th century | Curland, Richard | Edson F. Gallaudet, Gallaudet Engineering Co., airplane | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: HAMs helped communications after Hurricane of 1938 | Curland, Richard | 1938 hurricane, Amateur Radio Operators | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich-born biographer won Pulitzer Prize | Curland, Richard | Margaret Louse Coit, biographer, John C. Calhoun biography | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Hurricane of 1938 was worst disaster in New England history | Curland, Richard | 1938 hurricane | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Civilians pitched in to help win WWII | Curland, Richard | Norwich paper boys | 1920-1949 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Eastern began as ‘normal school’ to prepare teachers | Curland, Richard | Willimantic, early education, Willimantic State Normal School, Eastern Connecticut State University | 1920-presetn | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Camp Moween attendees included Polaroid founder, 'Oz' lyricist | Curland, Richard | Lebanon, Barney Girden, Edwin Land, Isadore Harburg | 1921-1963 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | FDR’s four freedoms inspired nation during World War II | Curland, Richard | Franklin D. Roosevelt | 1941-1943 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Looking Back: Blooming nickname in a booming time | Curland, Richard | Henry B. Norton, Henry Ward Beecher, Rose of New England | 1950-1859 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer was Norwich native | Curland, Richard | Margaret Louse Coit, biographer, John C. Calhoun biography | 1950-1959 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Norwich Civil War soldier's career had highs and lows | Curland, Richard | Capt. John Lewis Spalding, Bull Run, | 1960-1865 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Tree from 1963 Norwich flood to get plaque | Curland, Richard | flood of 1963, Mohegan Park, Spaulding pond dam | 1960-1999 | Click Here |
Historically Speaking | Bridge’s frogs have roots in Willimantic’s past | Curland, Richard | Willimantic frog bridge | 2000-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Benedict Arnold's 'Leg' Returns to His Hometown | Gorden, Kevin | Benedict Arnold's leg Norwich | 1775-1783 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | The Mystery of the French Soldiers | Plummer, Dale S. | gravesite of French soldiers, Norwich | 1778-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Ellis Ruley Park Added to Statewide Freedom Trail | Bessette, Claire | Norwich Ellis Ruley Park | 1882-1959 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Franklin Square (1930) | Keeley, Ken | 1930 Franklin Square Trolley, Norwich | 1930-1931 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Frances Manwarin Caulkins Wrote Absorbing Histories of Norwich, New London Still Cited Today | Steenburg, Nancy | biography, Frances Manwaring Caulkins, historian, author, teacher, New London | 1795-1869 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Lafayette Foster: From Norwich to Nation's Capital | Schaefer, Patricia M. | biography, Lafayette Sabine Foster, Franklin Connecticut | 1806-1880 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Shetucket Street (1915) | Keeley, Ken | 1915 Shetucket Street, Norwich | 1915-1916 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Marguerite Building (1890) | Keeley, Ken | 1890 Marguerite Building in Norwich, Mayor Timothy Murphy | 1890-1996 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Thermos Building (1912) | Elliot Sean D. | 1912 Thermos Building in Norwich | 1912-1912 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Slater Museum Devotes Gallery Wall to Ellis Ruley's Work | Zoë, Vivian F. | art, Ellis Ruley, Chief Grey Owl and Wife | 1882-1959 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | City Hall A Backdrop for a Few Hollywood Movies | Tormay, Jan | Norwich City Hall, Backdrop for Hollywood movies | 1870-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Union Square (1930s) | Keeley, Ken | 1930s Union Station, Norwich | 1891-1938 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Looking for Spirits in Norwichtown | Gorden, Kevin | paranormal, Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop, Hannah Tracy Huntington, | 1772-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Bold Bean Hiller of Norwich Remembered 250 Years Later | Gorden, Kevin | Bold Bean Hiller, John Durkee, portrait by Susan Boone Durkee, Jedediah Huntington | 1728-1782 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | First Real President of America' Remembered on His Birthday | Gorden, Kevin | Samuel Huntington, First real president of America | 1731-1796 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | French Soldiers Remembered in Norwich | Plummer, Dale S. | Civil War French Soldiers, Norwichtown Cemetery | 1777-1778 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | The Irony of Benedict Arnold: He Helped Galvanize America | Tormay, Jan | Benedict Arnold legacy, Norwich native, traitor | 1741-1801 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwichtown Silversmith Shop Now A Museum | Gorden, Kevin | Norwichtown, silversmith shop funding, Joseph Carpenter, silver forge | 1780-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | WWI Comes to Life as Norwich Panel Explores Its Effects | Bessette, Claire | World War I, trench warfare | 1914-1918 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | One of America's Forgotten Patriots: Norwich's Captain Robert Niles | Manuel, Steven | Revolutionary War privateer, The Spy schooner | 1734-1818 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | History of First Baptist Church Goes Back to 1800 Founding | Tormay, Jan | Norwich High Street, West side Baptist | 1880-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Calkins Family, Historians Help Save Colonial House | Bessette, Claire | restore Deacon Hugh Caulkins house in Norwich | 1760-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | In the Spotlight of Norwich History With Arnold's Leg | Gorden, Kevin | Benedict Arnold's leg Norwich | 1760-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Falls Mill (1800s) | Keeley, Ken | 1800s Falls Mill, Norwich | 1880-1950 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Veterans at Norwich Ceremony Honored for Their Contributions | Gorden, Kevin | World War II veterans, Norwich Connecticut | 1939-1945 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | The Years When Ponemah Mill Was A Self-Contained Village | Shannon, Bill | Ponemah Mills self-contained village, Norwich | 1866-1972 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | The Falls Mill in Yantic Powered the Industrial Revolution Locally | Shannon, Bill | The Falls Company, Cotton Goods Manufacturers, Norwich, | 1843-1960 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Mohegan Park the Result of Yankee Ingenuity | Shannon, Bill | Mohegan Park history, 1963 Spaulding Pond dam collapse | 1907-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Palace Theater Flood | Keeley, Ken | 1936 freshet, Palace Theater Fire, Norwich, 1936 flood | 1936-1937 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Industry Once Thrived in Greenville | Shannon, Bill | 1880s Greeneville manufacturers | 1880-1960 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Memorial for a Sachem | Checker, Nicholas | Miantonomo memorial, Norwich, John D. Crocker, Dale Plummer, Narragansett tribe | 1600-1670 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Fairview Reservoir Dates to 1860s | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Fairview reservoir history | 1860-1926 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Served as the Mecca of Gunmaking | Shannon, Bill | Norwich gunmakers, Elijah Backus, Thomas Bacon, Nathan Cobb, W.H. Davenport, Belt Mfg. Co., Crescent Arms, Hopkins and Allen, C.C. Brand, Smith & Wesson, James D. Robinson, Oliver Allen, Thames Arms Co. | 1840-1910 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Franklin Square Horse Railway | Keeley, Ken | Norwich trolley, Norwich horse railray | 1870-1905 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Trolleys Once A Mainstay in Norwich | Shannon, Bill | Norwich trolleys | 1870-1905 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Franklin Square Cobblestones (c1890) | Keeley, Ken | Franklin Square, cobblestones, Norwich | 1890-1900 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Franklin Square Once Served As the Thriving Hub of the City | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Franklin Square, Sears and Roebuck, Palace Theater, | 1900-1950 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | John Mason: Colonial Commander, Military Maverick | Checker, Nicholas | Norwich Major John Mason Colonial Commander | 1600-1672 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | John Mason: A Fighting-field Withdrawal from a Fiery Fort | Checker, Nicholas | Major John Mason statue | 1600-1672 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | A Bustling Banking Community in Norwich Hits the Billion-dollar Plateau | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Dime Bank, Norwich Savings Society, Chelsea Savings Bank | 1796-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Shetucket Street | Keeley, Ken | Shetucket Street, Norwich | 1890-1900 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Backus Hospital Had A Role in Helping Stave Off Worldwide Scurge of Smallpox | Shannon, Bill | Early history of Backus Hospital, smallpox | 1774-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | NFA Benefactors in 1800s Had Forethought of Education in Mind | Shannon, Bill | NFA benefactors | 1854-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Hubbard-Slater Mansion | Keeley, Ken | Hubbard Slater Mansion, Haan Museum of Indiana Art | 1890-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | St. Patrick's Cathedral Evolved as the Congregation Grew and Catholics Thrived | Shannon, Bill | Norwich St. Patrick Cathedral, St. Patrick's School | 1844-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Remembering Boston Trowtrow, Norwich's 'Black Governor' | Miner, Regan | Boston Trowtrow Norwich | 1750-1772 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | John Mason: Another View of the Man Behind the Statue | Brautigam, Robert | Norwich Major John Mason | 1640-1700 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Inn's Early Years Were Tied to Golf and the Luxury Lifestyle | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Inn Spa history, golf club, Norwich Inn Equestrians postcard | 1929-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Viaduct (c1955) | Keeley, Ken | 1955 Norwich viaduct | 1955-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Trolley | Keeley, Ken | 1925 Trolley Norwich | 1890-1925 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich and the Railroad System | Shannon, Bill | Development of railroads in Norwich, Providence & Worcester Railroad, New London Northern Railroad, Central Vermont Railroad, New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad | 1842-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwichtown Green Provided A Day's Entertainment and A History Lesson | Shannon, Bill | Norwichtown Green, Meeting House rocks, Daniel Latrop, Rock Nook, old Norwichtown Courthouse, Jesse Brown Tavern | 1659-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | The Persistence of the American Revolution Even to Today | Rugh, Dayne | Declaration of Independence, Samuel Huntington | 1776-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Daughters of the Ameican Revolution | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Connecticut Daughters of American Revolution, Faith Trumbull, D.A.R. history | 1893-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Collapsible tubes, Toothpaste and New London County | Littlefield, Jim | New London, toothpaste Dr. Washington Sheffied, Lucius Sheffield | 1880-1901 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Yantic Fire Engine Company Celebrates 175th Anniversary | Roberge, Nicole | 175th Anniversary of Yantic Fire Department | 1847-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Pease-Calkins House Opening | Armstrong, Nanette and Regan Miner | Norwich Pease Caulkins house, Caulkins Family Association, Miles Standish | 1812-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Armory Building on McKinley Avenue A Part of Local Lore | Shannon, Bill | Norwich Armory, 192nd Field Artillery Regiment | 1920-1950 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich 300th Jubilee (1959) | Keeley, Ken | 1959 300th Jubilee, Norwich, 1915 Cadillac chemical fire engine | 1959-1959 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Redefining Benedict Arnold: From School Essay to an English Crypt | Stanley, Bill | Benedict Arnold, Norwich | 1775-1779 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Fear About the Future Drove Benedict Arnold's Treason | Rugh, Dayne | Benedict Arnold, Norwich | 1775-1779 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Circus Life: Never All Fun and Games, But A Few From Norwich Won Fame | Sullivan, Kelly | Circus in Norwich, William Lloyd Potter, Charles Ringling, George Waterman Leonard | 1890-1920 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | St. Mary Church in Greeneville: Lovely Building in Need of Repair | Bessette, Claire | Greeneville St. Mary's Catholic Church restoration | 1922-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Benedict Arnold Should Never Be Forgiven His Betrayal | Shea, Mark | Norwich Benedict Arnold | 1775-1790 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Lowes Poli Theater | Keeley, Ken | Norwich Loews Poli Theater, Frank Sinatra, Benny's, Sears, Chelsea Bank | 1949-1949 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Mock Fire Drill | Keeley, Ken | Fire Drill at Norwich City Hall | 1900-1900 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Shanon Building Fire | Staff writer | Downtown Norwich 1940, Shannon Building, Liggitt's Drug Store, F.W. Woolworth | 1909-1909 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Slater Museum Devotes Gallery Wall to Ellis Ruley's Work | Zoë, Vivian F. | Norwich's Slater Museum, Ellis Ruley art | 1882-1959 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Legacy of Ellis Ruley Grows at Slater Museum | Rugh, Dayne | Ellis Ruley art, Norwich's Slater Museum | 1882-1959 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Flatiron Bldg & Breed Hall | Keeley, Ken | 1930s Carrol Building, Breed Hall, Norwich | 1930-present | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Shanon Corner | Keeley, Ken | Norwich 1909 Shannon Building Fire | 1909-1909 | Click Here |
Norwich Times | Norwich Harbor (1932) | Keeley, Ken | 1932 Norwich Harbor, train yard, Laurel Hill | 1932-1933 | Click Here |