View of Norwich
From West Side

This color tinted lithograph was created by Fitz Henry Lane in the 1849 time frame. It is a view of Norwich from the west bank of the Thames River. The Norwich & Worcester Company Steamline terminal can be seen near the middle-right portion of the lithograph.

*Place cursor over map to magnify

About the Lithograph

Evidence suggests that Albert Conant commissioned Fitz Henry Lane to draw the sketch from which this lithographic view of Norwich, Connecticut, was made. Conant then turned to a New York firm, Sarony & Major, to print the view in color in 1849. Napoleon Sarony was born in Quebec and came to New York where he learned lithography from Henry R. Robinson. He then worked for Nathaniel Currier before creating his own firm with Henry B. Major, who had also worked for Currier. The firm began printing lithographs in color in the 1840s. The process was complex, requiring the use of multiple stones, and it is unlikely that Lane participated in this aspect of the production.

(From the Info Source)


“View of Norwich , From the West Side of the River” , 1849, by Fitz Henry Lane